
Title: Washington Square
Author: Henry Jamez

Catherine was born as a doctor's daughter.So she was very rich.She was not so cut,but kind girl.One day ,she met Morris. He was a handsome boy. Morris was very kind to Catherine.He said,"I love you , Catherine." Catherine was very happy,and she loved him. They decided to marry.But Catherine's father did not like their decision. He said her that Morris loved money, not Catherine. Catherine got angry to hear that. She said that Morris did not want her money ,and she don't want to receive money from her father any more. But when Morris heard that , he broke with her. Truly, Morris loved her money, not her.

At first,I thought Morris really loved her,and I liked him. But he did not have job . He wanted money very much. He was bad man. I sorry Catherin very much. If I were in her situation, I would be very sad. But Catherin was strong girl. She helped many people. I like her very much.

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