
Author:Elaine O'Reilly
        There was Eden city below the ground. The people of Eden city were very happy. In the city, people can eat perfect foods, live in perfect houses, and wear perfect clothes. Men and women in the city were young and beautiful. They believed that happy was good, sad was bad. They didn’t know the real world.
     A boy who lived in the city met the girl. She took him to the real world. She said, “I will show you the real world. It is hard to survive in the real world. But in the real world, we can enjoy the real freedom.”  In the real world, he was shocked very much. Finally, he hated the real world. They returned to Eden city.
     Truly, the girl who met the boy didn’t want him to like the real world. She tested the boy whether he loved Eden city or not.

Evaluation :1 star

I could not enjoy this book.In the story,I could't understand what the author want to convey.I was not been excited.I thoght Eden city was not good city .In the city ,people can not enjoy real life. But people in the city lived happily until the story ends. The end of the story made me disappointed.

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