
Author:Rosemary Border
There are many pollutions in the world.For example,coal is the cause of the air pollution.When they burn coals, much poisonous smog is risen. Also,petrol that contain lead makes poisonous smog. Petrol that contain lead burns well. So they produce such petrol.They put their profit before environment.
So the governments all over the world should make laws that ban dumping poisonous waste in nature. It must be done very soon to save the earth.
Today, it is said that people all over the world must make efforts no to consume too much energy and throw away poisonous waste,and it is very important to save the earth. I agree with that idea very much. But I think it is not easy.I think some people don't want to make such efforts.So the governments all over the world should encourage such people to do such effort.
I want to save the earth.

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