
Author:John Escott
Publisher(level): NEW WAVE(2.4)
Sheela was a high school student girl. Her grades in school was bad.So her father thought she was a stupid girl. Her father ran a super market. He was rich. One day, his money in his super marlet was robbed by a robber. And Sheela and her father were kidnapped. But Sheela was very clever.  She ran away from a robber and  broke  the car that was used by the robber. Then she called the police.   Her father was liberated and the robber was arrested.  Her clever action  lifted her in her father's eyes.
 I enjoyed this book. It was interesting. But I thought the book was too simple.  
 I  thought Sheela was clever and brave.  If I were in her situation, I would not take any action. I want to be brave like her.   I think she can get good results in school. I think She should try. Ithink She can success in the  future. 


Title:MURDER at Mortlock Hall
Author: Donald Dallas
Publisher(level):New Wave(2.4)
The murder happened in a exclusive hotel in England.Trevor Marshall ,a rich businessman, was killed.Though he was very rich, some people hated him because Trevor deceived those people once.
To search the killer, the police interrogated the guests and employees of the hotel . Some of them hated Trevor. Finally, the killer was arrested.The killer was an old woman. Her son was deceived by Trevor and got much debt. So she killed Trevor.

I like crime fiction. So I enjoyed this book. There were some suspects. Reading the book ,I guessed who was the true criminal. At first, I thought the true criminal was a middle-aged businessman. But my expectation was not right. I was surprised. I never thought
an old woman killed Trevor.


Author:Rosemary Border
There are many pollutions in the world.For example,coal is the cause of the air pollution.When they burn coals, much poisonous smog is risen. Also,petrol that contain lead makes poisonous smog. Petrol that contain lead burns well. So they produce such petrol.They put their profit before environment.
So the governments all over the world should make laws that ban dumping poisonous waste in nature. It must be done very soon to save the earth.
Today, it is said that people all over the world must make efforts no to consume too much energy and throw away poisonous waste,and it is very important to save the earth. I agree with that idea very much. But I think it is not easy.I think some people don't want to make such efforts.So the governments all over the world should encourage such people to do such effort.
I want to save the earth.
Author:John Escott
California is a very wonderful state.Once, the Gold Rush happened in this state. People who want to become rich moved to California.Many towns developed by the movement. Many stores,houses,roads were made for the people who came to California to get gold.
Nowadays,very famous town , Hollywood is in California. Hollywood is the origin of American movies.Many people all over the world like these movies. Also ,natures are very beautiful in the state. California has vast national parks.We can see wonderful sights in these parks.If you go to America, you should visit California by all means.

I have never been to America. So I don't know much about American state.But this book told me the attraction of California. I felt the state is very nice state. I want to go to Los Angels. In the city , I want to see baseball games. I like the Major Leagues . I want to go to national park too. I like to watch natures. Someday, I want to go to California.


Publisher(Level): Penguin(2)
Nelson Mandela was born in South-Africa .It was 1918 when he was born.
South-Africa was governed by white men. So many black man were persecuted by white men. MANDELA was very clever. He started to protest to the government. But he was arrested. He continued to protest in the prison. His activity was spread across the world. At last, Black men got freedom.

I thought Mandela was great revolutionist. He was very kind to everyone.I want to kind and clever man like him. To be like him, I should study hard and think deeply. I should train my brain to be like him. Next year, the World Cup is going to be held. If it was not for the revolution by Mandela,I think the event was not be held. So he was very great.
Title: Washington Square
Author: Henry Jamez

Catherine was born as a doctor's daughter.So she was very rich.She was not so cut,but kind girl.One day ,she met Morris. He was a handsome boy. Morris was very kind to Catherine.He said,"I love you , Catherine." Catherine was very happy,and she loved him. They decided to marry.But Catherine's father did not like their decision. He said her that Morris loved money, not Catherine. Catherine got angry to hear that. She said that Morris did not want her money ,and she don't want to receive money from her father any more. But when Morris heard that , he broke with her. Truly, Morris loved her money, not her.

At first,I thought Morris really loved her,and I liked him. But he did not have job . He wanted money very much. He was bad man. I sorry Catherin very much. If I were in her situation, I would be very sad. But Catherin was strong girl. She helped many people. I like her very much.


Author:Elaine O'Reilly
        There was Eden city below the ground. The people of Eden city were very happy. In the city, people can eat perfect foods, live in perfect houses, and wear perfect clothes. Men and women in the city were young and beautiful. They believed that happy was good, sad was bad. They didn’t know the real world.
     A boy who lived in the city met the girl. She took him to the real world. She said, “I will show you the real world. It is hard to survive in the real world. But in the real world, we can enjoy the real freedom.”  In the real world, he was shocked very much. Finally, he hated the real world. They returned to Eden city.
     Truly, the girl who met the boy didn’t want him to like the real world. She tested the boy whether he loved Eden city or not.

Evaluation :1 star

I could not enjoy this book.In the story,I could't understand what the author want to convey.I was not been excited.I thoght Eden city was not good city .In the city ,people can not enjoy real life. But people in the city lived happily until the story ends. The end of the story made me disappointed.


Author:John Escott  , Andy Hopkins , Joceljyn Potter
  This book has two stories.
  1.Mr.Bean is very crazy man. On his birthday, he went to a restaurant.He asked sirloin steak. It was medium. But he thought the medium steak was tasteless. He didn’t want to eat it. But he thought he should not leave a part of the steak because he didn’t want other people to think that he was ill-mannered. So he tried to hide the steak. 
  2. He went to a coin laundry. He should wash his underpants that he put on. So he took off his trouser. Accidentally, a woman mistook the trouser for her skirt. So he was troubled.

Evaluation:4 stars:
 I enjoyed this book very much. I think Mr. Bean is very crazy. But he was very funny. He made me laugh. I was healed by reading this book. I want to watch the movie of the story.


Author:J.Meade Falkner
 In 1757,John Trenchard was born in Moonfleet.He lost his parents a few yeas ago.Ratsey and Elzevir were his old friend.John's two friends were smuggler.
 .  BlackBeard,a very bad  man,died . BlackBeard stole a famous diamond. His coffin was under the church.They said BlackBeard hid the diamond somewhere.
 John liked to go to the church.One day,he found a hole in the church.He got in. In the hole,he found BlackBeard's coffin.He found a piece of paper in BlackBeard's hand and taken out it.He went to home.
 A few days later, the police started to search Ratsey and Elzevir. Ratsey and Elzevir must leave Moonfleet.John decided to go with them.  They ran away for dear their life. When John came to himself in the woods, only John and Elzevir were together .They lived in the woods a few months.One day ,John noticed where was  BlackBeard's diamond from BlackBeard's paper.He found the diamond. But finally,  John and Elzevir were arrested. John spent many years in the prison. Many yeas later, he got out and came back to Moonfleet.

At first,I thought this story may be exciting because the cover of the book was exciting.But the story was  different from my expectation.This story was not so exciting. I thought low level book is not so interesting. But in this book,I felt warmth of friendship. I want to feel such feelings from  English books.


Title:The Secret Garden
Author:Frances Hodgson Burnett
Mary was born in India.Her family was very rich and she was very selfish girl.
One day ,epidemic spread in her town. Many people died.So did her parents. She must flee. She moved to Yorkshire where Mr.Craven ,her relative,lived in.He was very rich. But he was somber because her wife died ten yeas ago. His wife had her own garden. He locked her garden's door. So they called the garden "The Secret Garden."
One day,Mary found a key .It is the key of the secret garden.She entered the secret garden.The garden was very attractive though many weeds grown.Mary trimmed the garden everyday.She became a tame and nice girl. She got some friends in Mr.Craven's house. They trimmed the garden together. Mr.Craven's son was a member of her friends.He assumed that he was ill.But he went the garden. He liked the garden.Gradually, he became fun.Finally,he became very healthy. One day he met his father,Mr.Craven. Mr.Craven was very surprised and pleased when he saw his son.

Evaluation: 4 stars
I enjoyed this story. At first, I thought she was not cute. I hated her. But since she found a key of the secret garden, she changed gradually. I enjoyed this change.And I was pleased when she helped her friend.She looked very cute. I want a garden like the secret garden. I want to grow some plants. I think beautiful plants can heal my strain.


Publisher (level):Oxford (3)
A few persons hijacked a plane. They asked  the government to release their two friends who commited serious crime.  Helen Sandberg ,a prime minister ,  deeled with this hijack. But she encountered an impenetrable difficulty. Incidentally,  Carl, her husband ,was in the  plane. The criminals found the fact.  So they utilized the fact for negotiation. But Helen desided wise operation and solved this incident.
Evaluation: 4 stars
 This story is very exciting. Appearnces was absolutely against her because her husband was in the plane. So I thought  she can not solve this incident.  But she was very clever and solved. I was very impressed. This is why I like this book.  But in this book , too many simple phrases are used. So I did not  marked 4 stars.I think more difficult phrases should be used .